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更新时间:2023-09-06 16:54:02 人气指数:

What does "when" mean?

When is commonly used as an adverb or a conjunction in English. It is used to inquire about the time or duration of an event, action, or situation. Let"s explore more about the meanings and usage of "when."

When used as an adverb:

As an adverb, "when" is used to ask about the time when something happens or happened. For example: "When did you arrive at the party?" or "When will the concert start?" It helps us understand the specific timing of an event.

When used as a conjunction:

When used as a conjunction, "when" is used to introduce a subordinate clause that indicates a specific point in time. For example: "I will go to the beach when I finish my work." It shows a cause-and-effect relationship between two events, implying that the second event will happen only after the first event occurs.

Examples of "when" in different contexts:

1. When can also be used to express surprise or disbelief. For example: "When did you learn how to play the piano so well?" 2. "When" is often used in questions to inquire about the timing of an action. For example: "When is your birthday?" or "When did you start learning English?" 3. In conditional sentences, "when" is used to indicate a recurring event. For example: "When it rains, the flowers bloom beautifully." 4. "When" can also be used in indirect questions. For example: "I wonder when he will arrive."


"When" is a versatile word in English language, with its primary use as an adverb or a conjunction. It helps us inquire about the timing of events and actions, and it is an essential tool for effective communication. So, the next time you want to ask about the time, remember to use "when" to get the information you need!



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